Monday, October 26, 2009

Task 5: Ross Lovegrove - organic design

Ross Lovegrove - Organic Design

I found this video fascinating, the work and philosophies are inspirational to me as a student. I find that to many designs are over complicated and decked out with features that unnecessary. Lovegrove demonstrates the ways in which organic inspired designs can minimise this occurrence.

Nature is minimalist producing and consuming the bare essentials for survival. Lovegrove mention that biologically he believes that this is still "programmed" into us, as a student I would like to further explore and challenge this concept in my designs.

These organic designs seem more sophisticated and intellectual and thier source of inspiration is a complex structure that has been developing over thousands of years. As designers we should try to capture these forms systems and structures and they have been developed, tested and refined for extended periods of time. This seems like a more instinctive approach to design, to observe what fills our environments.

By mimicing nature we are able to adopt the minimalist approach to material consumption, this is a drastic action required in present times as many of our major resources are non-renewable. This should be an approach taken on by all industrial designers as we have so much power to change the way people consumer and interact with their environments. Why do we choose to create such superficial and artificial methods of design?

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